Giveaway books have gone out to all the winners who have
sent me their addresses. Obviously (sadly) I can't guarantee them reaching
anyone by Christmas Day but they will be heading your way just as fast as the
postal service organises it. Thank you to everyone who posted a comment and
joined in.
And the good news is that, yes, my sprained back is a lot
better! It feels wonderful to be able to move around more easily at last.
The Babe Magnet's brother has gone home now - it was rather
a confusing time for Ruby as she couldn't quite tell the two of them apart! She
enjoyed sharing Andy's bed with him, though! Now she's back cuddling up to us
again until the spare bed is occupied again - there will be more visitors in
the week after Christmas. Great to have dear friends close enough to visit when
they have been on the opposite side of the world for years. I'm sure Ruby will
make them as welcome as she did the Magnet's brother - we had to check that his
luggage wasn't purring as he left!