Wednesday, August 01, 2018

I've been putting put food and water for the hedgehogs in my garden all summer - last night we had a big hog filling up at one of the bowls and 2 smaller ones at the other dishes.   
 Ruby the cat has realised that when I go out at dusk to put food in the bowls it means her prickly friends are coming out to play - and she runs to sit outside the tunnels into their houses, peering into it, to see if the hogs are appearing.
I love them very much - but I would prefer it if they didn't leave small 'thank you parcels' in the shape of hedgehog poo all along the drive after they've eaten!!

Baby hoglets are leaving their mothers  at this time - it will really help them if you leave out bowls of fresh water and some food to help them build themselves up as they forage for themselves.

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