Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's going to be murder

Lincoln Book Festival opens today and runs till the 16th May. I'm not actually involved this year but tonight - in my other role as Mrs Babe Magnet - I will be accompanying Stephen Wade crime and history author to a special Murder Mystery dinner which is a sponsored fringe evenmt to the festival. Several local authors and crime writers will each be hosting tables so my friend Karen Maitland,together with Stephen Booth and RJ Ellory will also be there. We're supposed to be doing some 'sleuthing' as well - not sure what that will involve! Will report later.

I'll also be able to take the opportunity to see if there are any copies of Claimed By The Sicilian still available in Lincoln. It officially leaves the bookshop shelves this week but I was delighted to see that it's at #1 in the By Request Bestsellers list on (Overseas readers who would like a copy of this book can order it with free international postage from The Book Depository)

I'd like to send a thank you to those who have already bid on the lots I've donated to the Brenda Novak auction for Diabetes Research. I'm thrilled to see that the bidding has been busy - but there's still time if you're interested in trying to buy either my Readers' and Writer's Basket or a critique of a partial (3 chapters) and a synopsis of a novel aimed at Harlequin Presents.

1 comment:

Mary Kirkland said...

Kate, I received the book today and it was great! I've always been a fan and did not have this book yet. Thank you so much. :)


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