Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A happy anniversary

sort of lost track of things and Christmas planning / organising seems difficult rather than joyful - but at least today has a happy memory attached to it. Five years ago, I visited the local Cats' Protection rescue centre and was adopted by a tiny bundle of black and white fur. 
Ruby has been a delightful part of our family ever since - less than half the size of her big brother Charlie but with a personality and a purr to make up for what she lacks in size. She runs to welcome us as soon as we walk through the door and her joyful presence is a delight that brightens some difficult days. She has the Babe Magnet wrapped round her paws and knows exactly how to work on him to get the maximum number of treats out of him.
So glad you chose us to live with Ruby! It's true what they say - nothing makes a house into a home so much as the presence of one small cat.

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