Monday, July 08, 2019

And more hedgehogs

I have seriously lost count of how many new members of the hedgehog family we now have living at the bottom of the garden - and needing food!

 Last night we were enchanted to spot this very small new visitor and I managed to snatch a photo without frightening him away. Then I heard crunching and chomping coming from another food bowl -  another tiny hedgie. 

Looking out a bit later, there were two mini hogs at bowl1, another two at bowl 2 - this little one . . .and then 2 large hogs who were facing off - huffing and snorting - over what was left in the bowl!

 Today it's 30 years since we moved in to this house and inherited the hedgehog colony at the bottom of the garden so it feels great to know that we have kept the generations alive all that time - and there are new ones stoking up towards the winter to hopefully still be here next year. With a life span of probably 4-7 years, that means that we must have had around 5 or so generations living there.

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