Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Busy busy - and a different contest.

I'm busy Spaniard wrestling - sorting out my latest book and hopefully rushing to the end in order to get it in by the skin of the dreadline. My editor is cracking her whip so if I don't post much in the next couple of days - that's why. Normal service will be resumed as soon as Raul and Alannah have reached their happy ending.

In the meantime here's an interesting contest for you -HMB Historical author Michelle Styles - who has been short listed for the RNA Romance prize this year - has a brand new book out this month called Sold and Seduced and to mark the publication, she's running a contest over on her web site and blog.
Sold and Seduced is a book that I have a special connection with because Michelle tells me that it was while I was talking to her about the plot of my own book The Antonakos Marriage that she got the idea for this story. It's an interesting example of how one idea will go one way for an author and can start off a totally different train of thought for another writer. So Michelle is giving away signed copies of her book - and mine - as the prizes in her contest. So the winner can compare and contrast.
Here's what Michelle says about her contest:
As promised, I have a contest to win signed paperback copies of Sold and Seduced as well as The Antonakos Marriage by Kate Walker. I got one of my seeds of inspiration from Kate's book.
To enter, you simply need to answer the question -- Which song is playing on my Michelle Styles myspace page?
Please email me with the answer to the following question:

Please put SEED CONTEST in the title of your email. I have three sets to giveaway.
The winners will be drawn on 14 April.
If you'd like to learn more about the way that The Antonakos Marriage 'seeded' Sold and Seduced in Michelle's mind then you can find posts about it on her blog now and in the December 2006 section
Good luck with the new book and in the Romance Prize Michelle!

1 comment:

Michelle Styles said...

All I can say is that Kate is wonderfully inspiring.

The comparision also shows how different writers hear things.
When Kate was describing her story to me -- it was on of a one night stand with consequences. She also kindly explained the motivation behind the stand -- and basically it boiled down to a woman sacrificing herself for her father...

I was not interested in the one night stand -- they are difficult to do in Roman context, but the concept of the woman sacrificing herself for her father appealled. I then had to figure the how and why.

Make no mistake they are v different books. My conversation with Kate was simply the seed.

One of the great things about Kate is that I always end up thinking -- why did such and such happen and what are the consequences


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