Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Christmas 'card' to you

I'm late with this this year - I usually do this at the beginning of the month. But the Christmas Stocking Contest (prizes have now gone out) and the 12 Days of Christmas Contest have taken up my time - and there have been family preparations as well.

So by this time in the year I've usually organised, got the votes in for the Christmas 'Card' that I send on behalf of my readers and for my readers to somewhere where it does the most good. Instead of sending each and ever one of you a card - which I'd love to do - but which would be such a huge enterprise, and it would really use up money that could be put to more good - last year, instead, I sent a gift in your name through the wonderful Oxfam Unwrapped Catalogue

Last year this was organised and sent in time for Christmas but as I'm running late this year I've decided to make it a New Year Gift - so that's why I've set up the poll (see the sidebar) to run until the end of this month so I can send the gift for a fresh start for someone in the New Year.

Last year we sent essential medicines for a village. I thought that was a great choice so I've included it again this year.

Other possibilities are:

A water tank - these tanks hold 45,000 litres of water and can be used in major emergency situations - they are in use in Chad and the Sudan right now.

Build a loo - make sure that schoolchildren and people in emergency situations are never far away from a clean, hygienic toilet. Provide the tools, the training, the labour – everything people need to build their own disease stopping convenience.

School supplies - provides books, equipment - and trains a teacher - to work in the most remote and impoverished villages to give the children - and adults basic education skills.

Provideu shelter in emergencies - A major requirement in emergencies is shelter, and this gift will ensure the tents, mosquito nets, tools and materials to build emergency life-saving shelters in any disaster zone.

Working women - the chance to help women start their own small businesses. From book-keeping to basket-weaving, watch women work their way out of poverty (try saying that a few times!). We’ll help groups learn how to start, market and manage their businesses, so they can make the most of their skills, to earn a decent living.

So please vote in the poll that I've set up in the sidebar of this blog. Let me know which of these gifts you want me to buy and send in your name - because this wouldn't be possible without the way that my readers buy my books all over the world every year. It's the best way that I can think of to say a great big Thank You and to send a very special - and very practical Christmas Card out into the world in your name.

So please vote and let me know your choices - and thank you for all the support that enables me to do this.
Happy Christmas - and a wonderful New Year


Jan Jones said...

Kate, what a fabulous idea. You are so generous.

Liz Fielding said...

Merry Christmas, Kate and a fabulous New Year to you, the BM, the moggies and the hecks.

Wolfy said...


Anne McAllister said...

Merry Christmas, Kate, to you and all the family and especially the coming arrival. And to Sid, of course.


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