Wednesday, June 03, 2009

They're back . . .

For all fans of The Hecks, the family of hedgehogs who live at the bottom of the garden - the warm weather has brought them out and about and they are clearly alive and well - and to judge from the excited grunting and snorting going on late in the evening - full of the joys of spring.

I'm not sure exactly how many hecks there are this year. Definitely two (the ones creating a Modern Romance with prickles out on the lawn at night) and poossibly a third who seems much larger than these two. But I've only ever seen these two together.

They were out tucking into leftover cat meat every night for the last few days.
We also have a new addition to the wildlife in the garden - or at leat we did briefly when I was in Ireland when the Magnet spotted Miss Flora playing with a fox on the lawn. Unfortunately it hasn;t been back again since but I live in hope of catching a photo of it one day.


Anne McAllister said...

Yea! So glad to see the Hecks are thriving. Hope I get to come see them before too long (but I suspect it will be 2010). You couldn't bring one to Washington with you, I don't suppose -- and send it on for a visit?

Lacey Devlin said...

Oh my gosh I'm so jealous Kate! I'd love to have a family like that living at the bottom of my garden. I don't suppose I could move in with you???


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