Monday, June 02, 2014

Publication day

It's publication day for A Question of Honour - or  A Question of Honor depending on where you live - you take your pick!

Well, it's the official publication date - but I'm not really sure whether anyone sticks to the official date any more!  For a start  this book has been on sale on the Mills & Boon  website for the past month - and it's been at #1 on the bestseller list there for over a week.  But them M&B have the books out a month early anyway.

Amazon etc deliver the book from the 20th May (USA ) of 1st June (UK)  but I've seen physical copies of the book  one sale in UK shops for almost a week now - including special 2 in 1 editions in Tesco/Asda  where A Question of Honour is sold together with   Kim Lawrence's The Heartbreaker Prince.   Unfortunately this means it doesn't have the grea
t cover that's on the UK edition -  I really like this one.

There are some great reviews coming out for  A Question of Honour -  you can see some of them on the Mills & Boon site - and there are another selection  here - at Romance Book Haven's Reviews section

But on checking out Amazon to find out  A Question of Honour, I also found some good news of another publication date -  an edition I didn't know anything about. So I'm celeb rating that too. Remember the English Manga edition of The Return of The Stranger  - the 'Harlequin Comics version?  Well there's now another of my books brought out in this unique format.

This is the English manga version of The Hostage Bride.  I mentioned this some time back  when I talked about the Japanese version - now there's this really great version in English as well.

So there's a lot to celebrate - Oh and I should have said that I now  have a brand new Author Page over on Facebook - so if you're on Facebook, please come along and join me there - maybe 'like' the page. That's where I'll be posting the news and  daily events if I don;t get time to blog about everything.

You can find my Facebook page here. 

And  talking of up to date news -  when I opened this page, I talk about celebrating with a book giveaway so  I'm going to do just that - and seeing as I have  a lot to celebrate, let's make it a great giveaway.

So - I have 10  signed books to give away

4 copies of A Question of Honour to mark its publication day - and  6 books from my backlist.
To be in with a chance to win, all you have to do is to send me an email with A Question of Honour/Facebook in the subject line, and I'll get Charlie on to the task of picking 10 winners.

(For email see the link below - or Kate (AT) kate-walker (DOT) com)

 If you already have A Question of Honour do let me know and I'll put you in the draw for the backlist books.

This giveaway is only for today to mark the publication of A Question of Honour  - but I'll keep the entries open for 24 hours (from now - 10 am UK time - to 10 am UK time tomorrow) so that everyone has a chance to read this and find out how to enter.

But you only have 24 hours
So - ready  - steady - Go!


Laney4 said...

Congratulations, Kate! (I don't know how you do all that!!!)

Nova said...


Mary Preston said...



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