Thursday, August 06, 2009

Blake Snyder 1957-2009

I was shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death on August 4th of Blake Snyder, screenwriter and author of the inspiring and brilliant book on screenwriting - Save The Cat. A book that may be about films but has inspired and excited so many writers in other genres - many of my friends - Anne McAllister for example - amongst them.

I am truly sorry that a commitment to be somewhere else meant that I couldn't attend Blake Snyder's workshop at the RWA Conference in San Francisco last year. I had hoped that I would get another chance to do so - sadly this will now not be the case. I would have loved to hear him speak.

Blake was working on a book about romance that I was so looking forward to reading - as were so many other novelists in the romance genre. I can only hope that he left enough material for this much awaited book to be finalised if possible.

My deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of a talented, inspiring and hugely enthusiastic man who have lost him so suddenly and far too early.


Jan Jones said...

A very talented man. Life is not at all fair sometimes.

Caroline said...

Hi Kate. I've read so many blogs in the past couple of days about Blake Snyder's death - that I must confess not to knowing anything about him. But i think I will try and get his books - they seem to strike a cord with a lot of authors. Take care. Caroline x


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