Sunday, February 07, 2010

Out and about

I've been away in Oxford where the Babe Magnet was teaching his Writing True Crime course and tomorrow I'm off to Hull Central Library to teach a workshop on Writing Romance - so we're still doing the Crime and Passion evn is not quite together!

So while I'm busy, if you want to catch up with me then it's my day for blogging over at Tote Bags and Blogs when I'm talking about February and the romantic - or not? - day that is coming up on the 14th.

Oh and last week - while I was still at home - I recorded an interview with sine fm community radio for the Book It show. This will air live on Tuesday between 11 and 12 am or can be found on line from Wednesday or Thursday.

And if you're coming to Hull tomorrow. See you there!

Oh - and very special congratulations to the lovely Liz Fielding on becoming a grandmother to a beautiful little baby girl called Cora Rose who was born on Friday February 6th. Congratulations to Liz and her daughter and s-i-l - and welcome to the world Cora Rose!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Hope you have a good workshop! Looking forward to Fishguard. And huge congratulations to Liz on the birth of her granddaughter. How lovely. Caroline x


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