Saturday, March 05, 2011

The best feeling

I've been feeling  really good this week, with  the UK edition of The Proud Wife still at #1 on the Mills & Boon site bestseller list.  It's also been riding high in the Amazon  charts - print  book and kindle editions.

The over on the  site, the ebook version is also now available and being picked up fast and selling well.

But there's really no substitute for the moment of going into an actual bookshop and seeing the print editon of the book on sale for the first time.  It's one part of being a published author that never goes away.

This week, because I've had a couple of events in different places, I've been able to enjoy this feeling over again. I went to Lincoln for the Book Festival launch on Thursday - got the date right this time!  - and spotted The Proud Wife in the shops there. Then today I was in our local W H Smith branch and saw that it was being put out on the shelves - Friday was the official publication day so that was when it was officially on sale.

Now I'm heading for Doncaster with the Babe Magnet to celebrate World Book Night in Waterstone's bookshop there - and I'll plan on taking a quick peep into the WH Smith branch too on the way! And each new siting just reminds me of the very first time I ever saw my book on sale - maybe it's not quite to reallly huge thrill it was back then - but it's still the best feeling ever. And one that never goes away, even on this, the 58th time it's happened!


gaelikaa said...

I was down at the shops this evening Kate and 'The Proud Wife" was on sale in my local bookshop. I live in north India.

Heidi Rice said...

Kate, congrats on hitting the top spot on the M&B bestseller list... Although can I just say you're starting to do a bit of a Bryan Adams now, The Proud Wife has been at number one for weeks!

Nas said...

Congratulations on remaining at #1 for weeks! I saw a different cover photo of The Proud Wife at www.mills&


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