Friday, May 22, 2009

Corrections and Soaps!

I must thank the lovely Donna Alward for pointing out that the Randall Toye post I linked to yesterday was in fact originally written in 2006 - that, as she says, explains some things:

Kate - I mentioned this on Liz's blogs...the line launch dates are confusing and out of date, but that's only because the blog is actually from 2006. For example, everlasting is no more.But the important part is that every word written about what makes a great series book is still true. :-)

Thank you Donna - and yes, the important part about what makes a great series book still very true.

And talking of 'series' stories - I'm blogging over at The Pink Heart Society today talking about my addiction to 'soaps' and what they have to teach the category romance writer.

See you there!

1 comment:

Liz Fielding said...

Oops, I should have mentioned that, too. Sorry for the confusion!


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