Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reviews and Fan Mail

I've had visitors staying so my time to reach the computer has been limited but everyone's still asleep so I'm catching up a bit.

I'll start with the fan mail - no, not fan mail for me but . . . well, you know A Certain Cat who has a purrsonality all of his own and who tends to be a Star in this blog? The one who picks all the prize winners? Yes Sid the Cat - a Cat of Superior Breeding. Well, he receieved a parcel yesterday. A parcel of goodies from his biggest fan in the whole world - his favourite Lady Across the Pond Anne McAllister.

Anne had found the most appropriate gift for ACOSB - a food bowl. In fact, as Sid himself would say, it was A Bowl of Substance. And what's more, if bore the label ' Bad to the Bone'. Obviously describing The Cat himself.

Sid is delighted with this - particualarly because if is a bowl that will take a sunstantial amount of food. He defends it from all comers, particularly The Floozie and is happy to eat his meals from it.

Thank you again Anne!

The review however was mine - a lovely review for Kept For Her Baby that was sent to me from Cataromance and written by the lovely Julie Bonello. Julie has been a reader and reviewer of my books for so many years that I'm always slightly nervous when I send her a new novel. I would hate to disappoint her! But luckily she loved Kept For Her Baby and she wrote a fabulous review of it. Here's just a little bit of it:

Kate Walker's latest Modern Romance, Kept for Her Baby, is a superbly emotional and highly poignant tale of unforgettable passion and devastating choices that, once again, kept me in thrall from beginning to end! In Kept for Her Baby, Kate Walker has written a powerful tale imbued with sensuality and pathos that had me reaching for the tissues and kept me engrossed and frantically turning the pages in the early hours of the morning.

Kate Walker’s name on a book cover is a surefire guarantee of high quality romantic fiction and her legions of readers will certainly lap up this enthralling tale from one of Mills and Boon’s most outstanding writers!

You can read the rest of the review here.

Thank you so much Julie! I'm as delighted with the review as Sid is with his bowl.


Caroline said...

Sid looks like a cat that got the cream! Great review from Cartoromance. It must have made your day. Take care. Caroline x

Anne McAllister said...

Very happy that Sid is enjoying his bowl and has put it to good use. Somehow I thought he would.


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