Monday, October 12, 2009

Gratuitous shoe shot

As I said, I have an interview over on Writers At Play

And we had alittle discussion about shoes in which I mentioned the shoes I wore to the Harlequin party at RWA Washington

Now everyone wants to see what they looked like - so I reckoned posting them here and then posting a link in the interview is the easiest way to do that.

So here you are - the Harlequin party shoes -


Jackie Ashenden said...

Having just bought myself some nice shoes, I had to come and see yours...
Beeeyoootiful Kate!!

Anna Adams said...

They are gorgeous! I envy women with lovely feet who can wear lovely shoes! I fear they modeled Fred Flintstone's feet on mine, and we have to shop amongst the same footwear. Not pretty--or even cute. Sigh.

I've started Kept for Her Baby! What a great beginning! I could feel the water on my feet and the night in my hair. Also gorgeous! :-)


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