Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's all Greek to me

Sorry that blogging is a bit patchy at the moment. I'm buried under the latest Greek hero - What with the flu and other commitments planned when I thought (Ha!) that life might be a little quieter by this time of year this book has been a fight to find the energy and the time to write. So I've been concentrating totally on that. And at last an end is in sight.

So just to say a belated thank you to Anna and everyone at the Calderdale Writers' Roadshow and to Jill and everyone at Barnsley Library Crime and Passion Day for the warm welcome, the interesting questions and the interest in my books. Thanks too and a wave to Adam from Orchard Bookshop Denby Dale who provided books for the latter event.

I received the hardback editions of my next book yesterday - that's The Konstantos Marriage Demand. So I'll give you a sneak preview. Sadly, it's not the glorious sort of cover that I have for Kept For Her Baby, but then you don't get one of those every time - I wish! The heroine looks scarily like my mother when she was young which is a bit of a wierd feeling. Luckily, the KFHB cover is the one I've used on my new bookmarks!

(For those of you in America - just a reminder that as Kept For Her Baby is out in Presents EXTRA it will be in the shops now. A great big thank you to everyone who has already bought a copy and put the book on the Borders/Waldenbooks bestseller list for the first week)
Oh yes - and I've had some lovely good news - two bits of good news actually. One of them is still only potential good news and still under discussion but I have my fingers crossed very tightly. And I'll share things with you just as soon as I can - promise!
One bit of good news I did have is that the collected edition of The Alcolar Family that came out as a By Request is now sold out on the Mills & Boon web site and there is just one copy in stock on Amazon. So I'm hoping for as great a result with one of my pieces of good news . (And that's all the clues you're going to get for now!)
And now back to the Greek . . . .


Unknown said...

Great news for you. Wish I could have joined you at Barnsley but this thing called work gets in the way. Orchard Bookshop is a lovely shop, I can spend hours brousing, especially downstairs in the second hand books, which are in a old cellar, beautifully done.

Alison said...

Oooh, tell us, tell us!

Jan Jones said...

"buried under a Greek hero"...

Yes, well, I think most of us could understand you not blogging for a while.


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