Hugh Michael Jackman was born 12 October 196. And coincidentally today is the Canadian Thanksgiving Day - well, I know a lot of romance writers who'll be giving thanks in a whole different way for today and the hours of inspiration that have resulted from it!
I'm desperately busy with a late dreadline thanks to the flu - but as a picture paints a thousand words then here's a couple of pages for you:

Happy Birthday Hugh
There will be more words later as I've been invited to join the fabulous Writers at Play to celebrate the Presents EXTRA publication of my October release Kept For Her Baby. So later to day there will be a long interview with me and a ch
at about that over at Writers at Play blog.
See you there.
Hmm - come to think of it, the hero on the fabulous cover of Kept for Her Baby looks remarkably like one H Jackamn - don't you think?
Lovely to finally meet you on Saturday. Please thank the BM for a really interesting and informative workshop..but yes far too short. Speaking to a few others there they also found it very good with plenty of ideas to think about.
It's my day too and I think because of that I should get Hugh as a birthday present :D
Hi Carl - it was lovely to meet you too. And I'm so glad that the Magnet's workshop was sucha success. I'll pass on your compliments to him. Hope we'll meet again before too long
Happy Birthday Lacesy - I hope you had a wonderful day.
But Hugh as a birthday present . . .I'm generous to my friends but that's pushing it just a little too far! But of course you should give him a birthday kiss - and he should give you one too!
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