As an example - I heartily recommend Liz Fielding's latest (but then as you know, I always recommend Liz Fielding's latest.) After a struggle to the end with Zarek the Greek a lovely, emotional Romance read was just what I needed and Liz's Christmas Angel For the Billionaire just hit the spot perfectly. I fell heavily for George, the hero. Even better, it's part one of a great duo - Trading Places - and just as I was thinking how much I wanted to read Part Two and find out about Lydia's story lovely Liz has sent me a copy of that - Her Desert Dream - which has arrived safely in spite of Royal Mail strikes. Thank you Liz! (And the Royal Mail)
Next on the TBR pile is another book by another of my favourite authors - Anne McAllister has a new Modern/Presents out now in the UK and in America in November with another of those sexy Savas brothers as the hero. One Night Mistress. . .Convenient Wife is sitting right on the top of my TBR pile winking
at me. Can books wink? Well, I'm sure this one is doing just that - it's tempting me so much anyway.

But sadly ( well, a little less cheerily) it's going to have to wait as Zarek's back. Yes, my editor managed to read him that fast and he's back here for tweaking before I've quite had time to catch up on my reading. She 'truly loved ' him as he is but feels a tweak or two will make him shine - and so I'm going to polish him up a little. So this weekend, seeing as the Babe Magnet is running a Saturday school for his university teaching, it's Tweak a Greek time.
Oh yes and Sid has been busy on the crunchies front - picking someone who left a comment so that I can hopefully make your weekend more cheerful too by telling you that you've won a signed book from me - and the winner is:
Kerrin - Kerrin your birthday book for your little boy sounds fabulous and yes so much better than having all those photos on

But I suspect Sid also of sending a secret message to Tojo the cat as he snaffled the cat treat on Kerrin's name while keeping a paw safely on that belonging to Shirley who owns - sorry - who is owned by Tojo. So Shirley would you please let me have your postal address too. Thanks!
I'm off to tweak a Greek because I want to get to read One Night Mistress. . .Convenient Wife just as soon as I possibly can.
1 comment:
Loving your desk pic! I can see who's boss :P
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