Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kate's Corner

As I said, I'm blogging over at We Write Romance today - where my post for Kate's Corner is up now.

Because I write romantic ficiton, everyone always asks me about my Valentine's Day - so I've written about it - and the truth about the romance novelist's glamorous life!  

I'm giving away a Valentine's  prize too - a copy of  Mediterranean Tycoons - so come and tell me about your Valentine's Day.

Oh - and I  in that blog talked about a lovely little antique brooch that the Babe Magnet gave me for Valentine's Day. I can't find an image that's the same shape etc as the actual one  but here is the sort of  lucite brooch from the 1940s that it is - but minde is heart-shaped.  Isn't it lovely?


Teresa F Morgan said...

I got a Kindle from hubby! Now we don't usually do extravagant presents ever - even birthdays or Christmas, especially now the kids need the presents, so this was a huge surprise for me.

And we're not huge on Valentines either. It's too commericalised nowadays, and hardly romantic, in a restaurant eating the same as everyone else off the overpriced set menu. We settle for a nice takeaway at home (because of course I use it as an excuse not to cook).

Romance should be shared every day, not just on one day. Though, I loved my new Kindle :D

I spent the morning baking heart shaped cupcakes and biscuits for him in return.

Laney4 said...

Oh my! A Kate Walker book I don't have yet! How could such a thing happen, LOL?

Hi, Kate. Hubby and I don't usually celebrate Valentine's Day. We do little things throughout the year instead, as we don't think one day a year is enough to show your love.

That being said ... (oh, oh, she says) ... we were out grocery shopping all day Saturday and literally shopped till we dropped. At 4:30 I said I wanted to go to the next town over to get something only available that day (and they closed at 5 pm). Hubby didn't want to go UNTIL I mentioned one of our favourite restaurants, and voila! We went together! When we got to the restaurant at 5:15, we were asked if we had reservations. THEN it dawned on us that there were people out for Valentine's suppers! Oops! We got the last available table for two, shared the dessert, and spent the evening with our "best man" and family, reminiscing on their almost 37 years of marriage and our 30th anniversary coming up in July. We realized that most of the people wed after us have been divorced (at least once). In fact, those who lived together (sometimes for 10 years), and then got married, are now divorced. What's up with that?

So on the actual Valentine's Day (back to your original question - sorry for the digressions), we simply wished each other Happy Valentine's Day (again), I provided a special meal, and then off my husband went to work. Just another day....

Nas said...

Such a lovely gesture and a lovely present for you!

Kaelee said...

I can picture the brooch!

I got a basket of raspberries for lunch and we got Chinese take out for supper. Altogether a quite lovely day.


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