Thursday, July 08, 2010

Off to London

I had a crazy day yesterday. It was going to be busy anyway, with my workshop to complete for the RNA Conference and the organising of packing and Danny the Cat-Sitter as well. But it turned into an even more frantic day than I'd planned when I switched on the computer, reading to print out notes and handouts . . .

. . . and watched it die right in front of me, leaving only a blue screen with lots of indecipherable warnings across it. And locked in there, inaccessible, not even on a memory stick (yes - I know but it's been on hell of a week) were all my workshop notes, and handouts . . . .Help!!

Luckily by the time I was able to put in a phone call to my techie wizard, Andy the PC Doctor, he managed to find time to squeeze in a visit to the computer's sickbed and deliver a dose of TLC that had it back on form again. I have promised Andy sainthood for this.

But there was no time to reorganise, regroup and double-check the workshop as I have to leave this morning to get to Greenwich tonight - so if you'll be in my workshop I hope it - well, I hope it works! But then, like Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy, I'm 'better when I move' ie answer questions so I should still find something to talk about.

Oh, and it's my day over on the Pink Heart Society today. Thursday Talk Time - and guess what I'm talking about?

If you're going to the conference - I'll see you there. If you're in my workshop, have questions ready!

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