Saturday, March 22, 2014

More on courses

Since I posted the blog on Fishguard, I've heard from several people who would be interested in the Advance Romance Writing Course  running there next year and wanting to know  2 things

1. Are there places available
2.  This course says that to attend it, you need to have been on one of  my basic courses  first

So to answer
1. Fishguard Advanced Romance Writing Course  2015 - currently there are plenty of spaces on this one  and there's plenty of time before it runs - so yes, you can book now.  This weekend course will also provide you with one to one time with your tutor  (ie Me!)

2. If you need the basic course first  well, this next bit is for you.
After I posted about Fishguard Writers' Holiday last time, the organisers got in touch to let me know that unexpectedly there are two cancellation places available for this summer - July 2015. 
The details are:

July  this year has one (two if sharing a sea-view twin room!)  cancellation place(s) available if you book by end of March with a place guaranteed on my course if wanted.

So if you have a partner or a friend who'd like to come to Writers' Holiday, have a week by the sea, enjoy good food, good company  plus your choice of the courses  b ook now - Still only £499 for the week 

But if you can't manage a whole week - here's the only  other basic course I'm running this year - 
Last week this course was totally filled up but I have agreed to offer a couple of extra places  if needed - so  why not book now ?

For £240 you'll get
 a weekend in  4 star hotel  
a single en suite room - comfortable and  lots of privacy for you to write! 
 Meals are provided
 - and of course there are workshops, writing exercises, time to relax . . .   The aim is to do exactly what it says on the tin - Relax and Write!

Writing Romantic Fiction with Kate Walker

Romantic Fiction is big business. This course is intended to provide information and advice for anyone who wants to learn how to write romantic fiction. It gives an introduction to all the skills needed for success, from initial research to the final submission of the typescript. The courses are informal and fun.
  • Creating realistic characters
  • Sustaining pace and conflict
  • Packing emotional punch
  • Writing sex scenes
  • Crafting a satisfactory ending.
If you’re just starting out writing romance, or you’ve written a manuscript or two but are not yet published and are interested in honing your skills, this course is for you.
Also running on the same weekend :

CreativeWriting & the Art of Self-Discovery - with Stephen Wade
An introduction to journalling and  the way it can help  writers by looking at yourself and your life,  sparking off ideas and revitalising your creativity

For further information contact: Lois Bird-Maddox ‘Relax &  Write’ Course Organiser

Details of all these events can be found on the Events Page of my web site.
And if you keep an eye on that page you'll find out anything else I have coming up - I'm working with Relax and Write to offer more  Writing Events  coming up soon.

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