Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Box of Real Books!

At last - after weeks of waiting, seeing the new covers on Amazon etc - I finally have a box of actual books with the redesigned UK covers on. It's always such a thrill to hold a real book in my hands. It's nothing like the manuscript I first wrote - then submitted!  And I had called it Claimed by The Corsican  as my working title - not A Proposal to Secure His Vengeance.

 32 years ago, I received my first ever published book - it's great to still be getting a box of new books after all this time. The covers are so different but the thrill is just the same!

Don't forget you can still enter the Christmas books giveaway - just leave a comment, telling me the strangest Christmas present you either gave of received,


Laney4 said...

My boyfriend drove me to a garage, told me to stay in the car, he'd be right back, and then had his friend lift the car up in the hoist (with me still in the car). That was his way of saying he didn't want to be my boyfriend anymore. My, they had a good laugh over that. Thankfully, I had my usual book in my purse, so I focused on reading several chapters before the car was brought back down. Yes, it's against the law, AND he was in college going through to be a police officer. Not good, but I WAS/AM proud of not showing my fear (and I WAS afraid) and still not yelling/screaming at him afterward. I just let it/him go. Easy peasy when he acted like that. Merry Christmas to me (as I was well rid of him)!

traveler said...

Merry Christmas Kate. Wishing you happiness and enjoyment. The most unusual Christmas present I ever did receive was a hideous sweater which I could never wear. The wrong color, size and style so I donated it.


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