Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bride Buzz


This really should be Blushing Bride Buzz - not because the Bride is blushing, but because I am. Blushing with pride and delight - and to be honest, blinking back happy tears too.

This morning I did what I always did - I checked on the blogs of the people I want to know about - a regular trawl through various sites to see if there's any news - and so as always I ended up on Anne McAllister's blog. And that's when I started blushing.

Because Anne has posted an unexpected and most wonderful write up of The Italian's Forced Bride after she read it (finally! ) a couple of days ago.

To say I was thrilled is an understatement - this book has already had some great reviews, and I'll post some of them nearer the publication date - but reviews are one thing. A glowing write up from a writer you admire and respect (and have done since before I ever met Anne as a person and she became a very special friend) - well, that's something else.

All I can say Anne - is thank you. I'm honoured.

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