Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Fly by post

I meant to blog about things that are coming up for me this year, but I haven't had time - I've been busy packing and organising a weekend away which is one of the good things coming up for me.

Remember this ->?

Chosen as the Frenchman's Bride by Abby Green was one of the books in my Christmas stocking prize. It's the first book by Abby, published this month - so go and buy it! I'm heading for Dublin to help Abby celebrate the launch of her very first book. I'm so looking forward to it. There will be lots of M&B editors too - and plenty of other great M&B authors.

I'll tell you all about it when I get back


Intriguing news over on Anne McAllister's blog - she's been getting messages from - well she says it might be her hero Theo who is trying to contact her - and I've been getting indignant messages to - in Italian!

Makes me wonder if this Brides Buzz might yet have to turn into GROOMS' GOSSIP.

I'll have to see what's happened by the time I get back on Sunday.


Unknown said...

Have a fantastic time in Dublin, Kate. I really, really wish I was going-- so you have a duty to drink champagne and dance the tango for both of us!!

Give my congratulations to Abby for a great book. I finished it last week and loved every page.

Unknown said...

Oh Kate, I can't wait to hear all about your trip!

How did the book launch go? Which editors and author from M&B were there?

Did you have fun?

Unknown said...

Oh Kate, I can't wait to hear all about your trip!

How did the book launch go? Which M&B editors and authors were there?

Did you have fun?

Theo Savas said...


Have you heard about the contest our brides are having? There I was, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and I kept getting messages from people wanting to know Martha's last name!

I didn't know what the heck was going on. Thought she'd got a bunch of guys wanting to get her phone number or something.

Turns out it's for the contest she and your Alice and Liz Fielding's Louise are running.

A contest! Can you believe it? I thought they had WEDDINGS to plan!

So, if they have time for a contest, why shouldn't we? I say we have our own contest . . . what do you think?


Theo Savas said...


There's a woman writing to me on Anne's blog suggesting my nerdy insane brother George would be a good prize.

Do you think I could get away with giving away my brother?


Liz Fielding said...
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Anonymous said...

Dom, you don't know me, but some guy called Theo has just been in touch to tell me that the three women we love and adore are holed up somewhere secret and having fun. Running a contest for heaven's sake.

And let me tell you that guy has guts. He's doorstepped Anne McAllister (his author) and has got himself access to her blog.

What he's proposing is this...

No wait. I'll call you. We don't want the whole world to know what we're up to, do we?


Kate Walker said...

Sorry to be late getting to you! I had that trip to Ireland etc . .

Hi India - As you'll know now - I did have a great time. A little champagne was drunk . . . and Abby is very good at the tango.

Lee, I hope that by now you will have read my report on Dublin so yuo'll know how great it was. Dublin is a fabulous city

Theo and Max - of course, by now you and Dom have it all in hand - and have overrun my blog!


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