Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Here Come the Grooms . . .


My name is Domenico Parrisi. Alicia calls me Dom – but she’s the only person I let do that – got that Max and Theo? The name’s Domenico and I’d prefer it if you use the full version.

Kate knows better than to call me Dom. But then Kate knows more about me than most. Which is why I was surprised that she’d managed to keep a secret about Alicia from me until now.

Alicia? Oh scusi, I should have said. Alicia is mia adoratamia fidanzate – I call her Alicia because it sounds so much better, much softer than the stiff – Oh so English Alice that is her given name. You, of course, will know her as one of The Brides! But to me Alicia is the woman of my heart – the only woman for me. And Kate knows this. She should after all – she’s the one who created both of us and made us for each other.

So Kate knows how difficult I’ve found it to let Alice into my life. How and why I have kept my distance from almost everyone until now. So you can imagine how stunned I was when first Theo – that’s Theo Savas whose author is Anne McAllister – and then some Englishman named Max Valentine got in touch from Liz Fielding's blog and told me that my Alicia – my bride - had gone off somewhere with their respective brides and that they were filling in the time between now and the happy ever after our authors are supposed to have created for us by creating
uno concorso! – A contest!

Naturalmente, I had to know more. And who better to ask that my author – my Kate. The one that Theo has taken to calling O'Kate because she has just spent time in Irlanda at a party. The other two had to work a little hard to get the information they needed – and the access to the blogs to tell you all about it – but I am Italian . I know how to charm . . . and so I had no trouble getting past my author. She was still recovering from a long weekend at that party and her mind was full of other things so she was - what is it you say? Putty on my hands?

I needed the password to this blog. I asked - she gave - but of course!

You have to know that this is the third time I've tried to keep Alicia in my life - the first time she ran off and I had to go after her to bring her back - then I was supposed to marry her but . . .

Well, you'll have to read the book to find out what happened then. I don't talk about it. Not in public, anyway. . .

Now I learn she's off planning something with these other signorinas? Well - we'll see about that. Like I said, Theo and Max and I have been talking - And we will come up with uno concorso meraviglioso that will show lei nostre fidanzate just how men do these things!

Mia sposa and her friends may think they have come up with a great idea – but believe me, it is as nothing to what i sposi will create.

So – as you English say – watch this space!



Theo Savas said...

Putty "IN" your hands, Parresi. "IN your hands."

Anonymous said...

Fine - but that's Parrisi, Savas - ParrIsi!

Anonymous said...

That brooding look is JUST where my brand-new book starts. Hmmm. Lightbulb.

May have to buy a new Radley handbag to keep that lightbulb moment in. (What do you mean, that's a feeble excuse?)

Blueberri - hugs on the broken arm.

Jennifer Y. said...

I love the grooms! Definitely make me smile!

Kate Walker said...

I'm going to ignore the squabbling heroes!

Blueberri Hi! How's the arm ? I hope it's not too sore and you can function all right. Oh I do hope you enjoy Domenico's book

Kate H - yes - it was the brooding look that got me too! You can borrow my inspiration of course.

Jennifer - I'm glad you like the ghrooms. I'm pretty fond of them myself, even if they have taken over my blog - and Anne's and Liz's. I'm sure they'll be back


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