Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year New Cover

I promised that I'd share the new cover of my next book just as soon as I saw a copy of it - well, here it is, from Amazon.

It's . . .different. I'm not sure about the books with just the heroine on the cover. And to be honest, I'm not at all sure what this elegant lady has to do with my fiery, red-headed Marina. Very differetn too from the Presents Extra cover - which does at least have the red hair my hero should have.

What do you think?

How are you liking the new UK covers?
Today is the first Sunday of the month so I'm blogging over at Tote Bags 'n' Blogs - with some thoughts sparked off by this new cover. Maybe I'll see you over there?


Caroline said...

She looks a bit like Angelina Jolie I think. So far I've liked the new covers, although this is the 1st I've seen with just the heroine on the cover. Caroline xx

Passionate Dilettante said...

Well, for this title, I think the cover is intriguing - much more so than the American cover, which doesn't suggest anything about her character. And I also like the way the Amazon preview (good move!)gives just enough of the book (starting with him....)to make me KNOW I want more, and then we have to wait til........ MARCH?!!! Now that's marketing.

However,if Marina's a redhead, then unless the magnificently self-assured UK cover girl has some titian highlights I've missed, then of course you're right: she's on the cover of the wrong book!

Marketing aside, this really is intriguing, Kate. All down the years, I love the way you have no truck with all that borderline-weird alpha male stuff, and have always written three-dimensional, drop-dead gorgeous, lovely men - as we discover as your stories unfold. And the way your heroines, however torn, baffled or furious, have always been a world away from the winsome but neurotic child-women that I used to cringe at.

Looking forward to March. Hope you get lots and lots of advance sales! (Sure you will!!)

BiteMeAsh said...

I love it Kate! Hope it arrives in South Africa soon after its launched in UK in March - wooowee

Here’s a New Year wish for you Kate and all of your fans worldwide!

May 2011 bring gifts of unconditional love sprinkle of joy wherever you are the peace of Christ in your hearts always.

If blessings is a raindrop I’ll send you a shower,
If hope is a minute I’ll send you an hour,
If happiness is a leaf I’ll give you a tree.

Warm wishes, Rita

Unknown said...

Firey readhead, I love it. As for the cover, I agree with you, not in keeping with your character. Can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

I do like that cover, it's very elegant.

in Germany

Nas said...

Hi Kate, I love the cover as it suggests an elegant lady as The Proud Wife!

Happy New Year!

Kaelee said...

I'm such a fan of the standard NA cover for Presents. You always know what you are getting when you reach for the white book with the circle. I hope there are no plans to change it. Guess you can tell which cover I like.

I find this new cover very interesting as it has two parts to it. The intriguing lady and the scenery below.

lidia said...

I love the white covers used on the NA editions. That being said, the new M&B covers are nice but I wish that the people on the cover would at least match the characters in the book.

In this case, the cover doesn't show a redhead -- how difficult could it be for them to use a redhead?


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