Monday, July 14, 2014

A special guest.

I'm still struggling to keep up with things  and help my friend's family.  Add in a course for Writers' Holiday that I need to finalise,  revisions on the latest book that have to be done  and it's all a bit hectic.

So I may not be able to blog and chat   much for the next week  or so.,

But  don't worry - this blog will not be completely empty as I've asked a very special friend and a very talented writer to come along and talk to you,  She will be here on  Wednesday  with part one of her interview and the second part will follow in a couple days after that.

I hope you'll enjoy learning more about my special guest (you've met her before . . .)  and she has some great news about her most recent book - and the one coming soon.

So watch this space. . . .


Nas said...

Hi Julie! Hello Kate!

Lovely introduction by Kate. I loved reading about you Julie. And your book sounds awesome, an emotional roller-coaster read with the fertility issue. Congratulations on it being the Book Club pick!

Julie Cohen said...

Hi Nas! Thank you so much.

And thank you for hosting me, Kate. All my love to you at this difficult and busy time. xxxx


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