Tuesday, August 22, 2006

And we're back . . .

Okay, so - hopefully - the Counter problem is sorted out - hopefully!!
So far it doesn't seem to be messing things up again - or turning my sidebar into a bottom bar

So I'm hoping we're back in business - and that all those wonderful 90 visitors who came by yesterday will come by again and this time I'll be able to see where you all came from.

Fingers crossed . . .


Anonymous said...

Hope you got it sorted Kate. I drop by most days.



Passionate Dilettante said...

I had similar troubles with this at the outset, but then it settled down and behaved, so take heart - you should be ok now. It is fun, isn't it? And educational!

We got home about 2 am (3 hours ahead of BST)and Habibi stayed up blogging til 3.30 because he understands his responsibilities to his readers. I of course went to bed! It's lovely to be home after such a long trip. Still somewhat disorientated but content nonetheless. And we've got plenty to read............


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