So - here’s the official announcement - my 50th title was accepted by my editor and I now have a title and a publication date. The book will be called The Sicilian’s Red-Hot Revenge and will be out (in the UK at least) in June 2007. It will be the second book in the duet about the Sicilian brothers Guido and Vito Corsentino, the first of which is Sicilian Husband, Blackmailed Bride – and that will be published in March 2007.
So I’m now officially 50 – in titles that is! It’s a great feeling. Some years ago, I wrote my goals for this year, next year, five years . . . I’ve lost the piece of paper on which I wrote them all down, but I know that one of them was ‘Kate Walker’s 50th’. And now it’s here! Of course I’ll have to wait a while before I hold the book with that very special flash on it, but I know the book is completed and bought – and I can start to plan the next ‘milestone’ - 75 books? 100?
And as it’s August 4th, then my latest USA release is actually officially out today – even on Amazon! I posted one lovely review of this book already, but I just received another one - so to mark the ‘official’ publication date of The Antonakos Marriage, I thought I’d post it here today.

Thank you so much Lee.
Well, as it’s a celebration day – for me this time – I think I might go mad and give away a special Blog Prize – just to see if anyone’s awake and reading this. So here’s a question
I just had the second Sicilian Brothers title accepted – but some years ago 2002/2003 to be precise, I had two other ‘Sicilian books’ published – I have a signed copy of your choice of my backlist to give away to the first four people who email me to tell me the titles of those books. Because I know all about the different time zones for some people reading this – I shall make special allowance for that.
Please put Sicilian Titles in the subject of your email so that I know which are the entries.
Good luck!
Yay on your milestone. Good titles, too. (And you know I'm a sucker for Italian heroes...)
Well done Kate. I knew you had it in you, now for the 100th book!!
Caerleon next year the bottle is ready
Congrats on your 50th book, Kate.
That's such a wonderful achievement.
I've just sold my 10th and I'm jumping all over the place with excitement, so can only imagine how excited you are!
Thank you all for the congratulations - it's lovely to have a special occasion like this and to share it with special friends. That makes it extra specail
Anonymous - you're on! One bottle of champagne for two - or shoudl that be two bottles for one? Whatever, we're celebrating together! It was lovely to see you at Caerleon this time - a lovely lovely week
Hello Nicola and welcome to my blog - and congratulations on your 10th - i remember how that felt - getting into double figures. Good luck with all the future titles and one day perhaps I'll be able to celbrate that 50th with you
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