No, not in that way. Anyone who knows me and knows the BM, also knows exactly where my heart lies. But I noticed that the little dancing heart I had in the sidebar . . .

had gone missing.
And I couldn’t have that – not when the reason he’s there is about to take on even more importance from tomorrow. You see, that little heart is the symbol for The Pink Heart Society.
What’s the P H S? Well, on New Year’s Day, 2006, Irish romance writer Trish Wylie wrote in her blog:
‘I read romance’ or more specifically ‘I read category/series romance’ seems
almost as embarrassing a thing to say these days as confessing to being a
cross-dresser might have been in the 1940’s. The genre is constantly run down by
people who see it as a lesser form of writing and of reading. People who believe
that a shorter format automatically means lesser writing and a weak plot. Yet
these ‘lesser’ books still sell millions of copies world-wide! I have read
category romance since my teens and have never had a problem reading them in
public or passing them onto friends when I find one I particularly enjoyed just
as I would with more ‘mainstream’ books that critics would see as more
acceptable reading. And I am still in my thirties, I still go clubbing and play
sports and have a varied group of ‘Sex in the City’ type friends...I guess what
I’m trying to say, in my long drawn out way, is that there are so many amazing
books out there that we have all read and enjoyed and for every person that
tries to run down what we enjoy… there should be ten of us to say well,
actually, we love it!
And to give a voice to those of us who read, write, and – shock horror – enjoy category romance – she formed the PHS. Other authors joined in – we all posted the dancing heart (well, some of us could get it to dance, some couldn’t) on our blogs/ or websites . We all declared ourselves proud of being romance writers, romance readers, romance lovers.
Well, now the PHS is taking another step out into the cyber world to spread that message as far and wide as we can. The Pink Heart Society Blog has been set up and the big launch party is tomorrow September 1st
So why not come along to the grand Pink Heart Blog Launch Party tomorrow. You’ll meet other authors, be able to read weekly updates to the Hero Database/articles/reviews/Blogs of the Week/Romance destinations/Rom-Com reviews/Romance Tips/Nominations for Shipper Shows. There will be Competitions & Giveaways/Challenge of the Week and much much more...
I’ve already booked my guest spot for October 6th – that’s when my newest title is published – but don’t wait till then. Visit The PHS blog and join in the celebration of romance novels the world over.
I’ll be there - I may be a little late because tomorrow the great office makeover really gets underway so I’ll have to unplug and move the computer while the carpet arrives and is laid, then there are the bookshelves to assemble and fill, the computer to move back in and reassemble, the papers to file, the cats to settle and appease with a little smackeral of something . . .
But I’ll be cheering the launch and joining in the celebrations just as soon as I’m back on line and have time to breathe.
See you there!
And I’ve got my heart back.

Kate - lovely post. See you there tomorrow.
AND, may I just say how much I've loved your HOW NOT TO posts.
Donna, Natasha - I missed a lot of the launch because I had to have my computer switched off while the new carpet was laid - but I've been visiting a lot since.The PHS is off to a great start and I'm looking forward to what each new day is going to bring.
Blue - I'm so honoured by your compliments, thank you so much! You've been an extra friend in my life since we connected on the WRR - one of the things I'll always be grateful for is the unexpected extras that this job brigs me - like the contacts with people all over the world - like you. I do hope you'll enjoy 'our' (the Hoods') book in October
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