Monday, December 04, 2006

Just because . . .

. . .it's a wet WET Monday. And I've been at my desk since 6am trying to get my Greek to - er do something that will make him get his memory back . . .
And because I needed to get him from the swimming pool to the bedroom, I had to do some research into what he might look like . . .

Here's the result - this one is to share with Kate Hardy. And Liz Fielding

And to share with Anne McAllister -

Well, that brightened my wet Monday - how about you?

I can now go back to work inspired


Liz Fielding said...

I can almost see the sun shining, Kate! Thanks for that...

Anne McAllister said...

Definitely brighter! The sun is shining here! Thanks! (get back to work)


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