Sunday, December 31, 2006

What I did in My Holidays

When I was in school, way back in prehistory, whenever we went back into class after a holiday period, like the last week or so, we would be asked to write an essay. And at the beginning of each term you could just about guarantee that the topic of the essay would be ‘What I did in My Holidays’. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve written something with that title.

So, to continue the tradition – here you are
What I did on my holidays Christmas 2006

1. Relaxed at the thought that the as yet unnamed Greek Pineapple book had been bought

2. Slept – very necessary after tweaking the above G P book

3. Visited family and friends – went out to dinner with one couple, spent an evening with another, had two very enjoyable visits with the Offspring and his partner and even made it over to Leeds to visit the BM’s family. Also caught up with friends on line and by phone. All of which was v. necessary after the total concentration needed to deal with G P book.

4. Celebrated glorious joyful news of one special Christmas baby we were waiting to hear about. The lovely and talented Julie Cohen had her gorgeous son on December 23rd. I’m extra partial to little Capricorn boy babies as The Offspring was one, once upon a time, so welcome, welcome to the world dear Nathaniel.

5. Celebrated more good news when the young mother I mentioned in November as being so desperately ill, came home to her husband, newborn son and little daughter on Christmas Eve after weeks in hospital. And again toasted the wonderful relief when a very special and dear friend received an all clear after a major health scare. These are the sort of things that are real Christmas presents – the ones that matter.

But yes, I did receive some lovely Christmas presents too. One that DH and I are still trying to find the perfect actual thing for – and another an experience that I just know I will love – coming up in April. And anticipating it will be part of the enjoyment.

6. Ate – not too much actually. I didn’t buy in any chocolate or many biscuits etc. And it’s true, if you don’t have it in, you don’t eat it. So although the inevitable ‘need to lose weight’ resolution has to be faced, at least I didn’t add on anything extra this year.

7. Read – not enough but I have reduced the TB R pile by 3 books

White-Hot by Trish Wylie – a great friends into lovers story that was one of the books in my Christmas Stocking Contest

The Italian’s Future Bride by Michelle Reid – well you should all know by now what I think about Michelle Reid – not for nothing is she at #1 on the Waldenbooks bestselling Romances chart this week.
Never Go Back by Robert Goddard – a perfect stocking filler gift. I always admire his detailed plotting, even if his characters don’t fully come alive as real living people. But a new RG is always a Christmas reading treat for me.

But then I was given – count them 5 - no 6 new books as gifts and treated myself to a selection from the new January romances out now. Lovely Liz Fielding sent me her new book (out in February) – of which more later – so I haven’t actually lessened the pile at all . . .

8. Enjoyed filling up my storytelling/imagination banks with a self-indulgent soaps-fest and a couple of thoroughly enjoyable films – introducing the BM to fabulous Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean, admiring the beautiful and brilliant Judi Dench in Mrs Henderson , and last night the absorbing The Hours where the acting is just stunning.

9. Organised a special New Year contest for members of my Newsletter list – there’s still a chance for you to enter this if you’ve signed up for the Newsletter – Sid will be picking a winner on Monday.
10. And talking of Sid – he and I are working on a project that will hopefully continue throughout the year and become a feature of this blog so watch out for that.

11. Finalised the revamping and updating of my web site with its totally new look. In this, I have been superbly helped and supported by the brilliant Heather and Terescia from We Write Romance who have helped to bring to reality the ideas I had and have produced a site that is professional, attractive, informative and welcoming. Thank you so much Heather & Terescia – you’ve been fantastic.

12. And two other fantastic women I’ve been working with recently are Anne McAllister and Liz Fielding. As I’ve already mentioned, the three of us have been planning a joint contest together. And it’s almost ready to unveil. More on that very soon.

13. And finally - because I have to meet the next deadline, and just in case 13 is unlucky for some, (and in case my editor is reading this as I know she does occasionally) I’ll add as a final point the fact that I’ve also been thinking/working/planning on a new book with a handsome, proud Spanish hero growing in my mind. More details when I have them (or should I say, when he lets me have them)

So there you are – what I did on my holidays. You can expect further developments from some of these later this week.


Anonymous said...

Blimey - and you say that I do a lot??? ;o)

Sounds as if you had a fabulous break, Kate. Much deserved.

The last two weeks have gone by at speed and I wish the school holidays were longer so we could've gone to the beach and done some exploring (aka pics for the current nonfiction, but we have fun doing it) and gone tenpin bowling and taken the dog to the forest and... as it is, we only just managed to fit in a theatre trip and two cinema trips, and much playing of games.

Glad to hear the new RG is good as it's on my TBR pile. Definitely a Christmas treat, isn't it?

Happy new year. And enjoy April!

Kate Walker said...

HappY New Year T'other Kate

I can't believe how quickly the holiday went by - but it was fun. The RG isn't one of the absolute best but as a Christmas treat it works for me


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