Monday, August 07, 2006

Giving out some prizes

What happens when you go away for a week? Does everything yo shoud be doing start breeding so that there is so much more of it when you get home again?

I'm pretty sure that the washing breeds in your suitcase. There always seesm to be so much more of it than the sthings you know you've actually worn.

So I've been trying and trying to catch up since I got back from Wales and haven't quite made it. I haven't answered comments for days for a start.

But I offered some prizes and now I need to fulfil my promise.

So - in One Other Thing, I offered prizes for information about what people want on a writer's web site - and the wnners are:

Linda H from Readingissomuchfun

and - well, here I have a problem - just a small one - a greedy cat - a set of names - and I can't actually tell you whose crunchie Sid ate first. So - instead of one other winner, I have two

Lis - and Mags - I think Sid snarfed both of your crusnchies in one gulp so you're both winners!
So Linda, Lis and Mags if you email me I'll organise your prize

Then the Sicilian Names Competition -
The answers were, The Sicilian's Wife and A Sicilian Husband
and the winners here are -

Ms Creativity who wins, appropriately enough a copy of A Sicilian Husband
Nancy Locke who wins The Christmas Baby's Gift
and Kim W who wins Bound By Blackmail

Congratulations to all of you.


Susan Rix said...

Thanks so much Kate! I've yet to read a 'Sicilian' - I can't wait!

Sue :-)

Lis said...

Thanks a lot Kate, and congrats to the other winners! Sounds like you had a lovely trip :o)

Kate Walker said...

Sue, Blue and lLis - you're welcome. Enjoy your prizes!

Lidia - I could say I was pretty 'washed out'! (Sorry for thE pu). It;s lovely to have the time away but there is always the unpacking and sorting out to do - but then there's a sort of fun in that to - in settling back into being at home which is lovely too


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