Saturday, December 16, 2006

Tweaking a Greek Pineapple

Irish author Trish Wylie has the perfect phrase for a book that takes a lot of writing. A book where the hero (in this case a Greek) proves recalcitrant and unco-operative. (OK, more recalcitrant and unco-operative than usual) She describes them as being like giving birth to a pineapple.

Yes, I can relate to that.

This having been the case with Andreas and his story, I had labelled the book my Greek Pineapple. And I had fully resigned myself to the fact that the book might need revsions when I finally sent it in. However, it seems that the blood sweat and tears haven't affected it too badly, and my lovely editor (who is a woman of great taste as well as a dab hand at cracking the whip very gently) has fallen in love with Andreas despite his pineapple tendencies. She merely wants a tweak to bring the book to the sort of perfection she demands (and she is very demanding).

So that is what I'm doing this weekend - tweaking the Greek pineapple. I just have my fingers crossed that an editorial 'tweak' translates into an authorial tweak and doesn't become a total unravelling of the whole Fairisle Knitting Pattern of the book.

Or is that mixing a metaphor too far?

Meanwhile Sid has chosen the last few winners of the Newsletter 12 Month of Christmas Contest - winners will be notified this weekend. And then I will set up a new Newsletter Special for New Year - after which you can watch out for the special HERE COME THE BRIDES contest that Liz Fielding and Anne McAllister and I have been hatching between us - and that took a lot less struggle than a Greek pineapple.


Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed that your ed's "tweaks" were the same as mine, i.e. easily sorted and - as you say - not one of those "tiny" changes that means you have to rework the entire book!

Anonymous said...

An excellent analogy!! I love a good knitting metaphor!!! Good luck with the tweaks!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kate, and I'm glad Andreas only requires a small tweak - if he will pardon the expression!! I hope he is soon back with your ed and on his way to the bookshelves!


Kate Walker said...

Hi Kate - I have my fingers crossed now that the tweaks have gone back - I always worry in case I haven't tweaked enough. And these did seem very straightforward

Cindy - I'm glad you like the knitting metaphor. It did seem just right to me. Happy Christmas to you

Hi Mags - Andreas didn;t think he needeed any tweaks at all! (Well he was right - it was his heroine who had to be tweaked a tiny bit) I hope you'll love him when he appears. He may be Alpha but he's your sort of hero I think


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