Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Congratulations to Anne and her family

I forgot to mention this earlier in the year so I'm going to make this a double special announcement.

My dear friend Anne McAllister has been busy adding to her family this year. Not personally, but she has acquired two wonderful new grandsons in a very short space of time.

Henry (aka 'Big Hank' ) was born on April 20th and yesterday Solomon (Sol) the newest member of the family arrived rather earlier than expected. I was delighted to hear the news and to know that he was here safely, even if to my personal disappointment , his appearence in the world means that I won't get a chance to meet up with Anne at RWA National Conference in Washington.

So welcome to the world Henry and Sol - how wonderful for you to have a cousin born so close to grow up alongside in the future. You have a fabulous Grandmother to get to know too.

Congratulations to the Mum and Dad of each lovely little boy - I wish you great joy and fun watching your new sons grow up.

And to Anne and The Prof - have a wonderful time getting to know your new grandsons. I wish you many years of happiness and love with them and the rest of the crew.

And if you want to see photos of the newest arrivals (together with Ellie, one who was made earlier!) there are some great ones over on Anne's blog.

1 comment:

Anne McAllister said...

Thank you, Kate. Both Sol and his cousin Henry (aka Big Hank) have made life much more exciting these past couple of months. We're looking forward to visiting Hank and Ellie and then going to see Sol in July, though we will indeed be sorry to miss you and RWA. Have fun!


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