Friday, December 16, 2016

12 Days of Christmas - some winners

OK - Charlie took some persuading that he needed to pick some winners before he had his supper - but I managed to persuade him - 
so first set of winners are:

Jeanne  M whose cat Nathan wants a knitted angel to play with!
Denise who nominated her friend  Kim, 
'Petite' who nominated her friend Anne who is dealing with illness. 
Ann Cameron 
Franca Poli

If you're on Facebook please contact me with your postal address
Some winners were on Tote Bags N Blogs so I'll contact them direct

And  there are still   7 more prizes  and three more days to comment/post/share either here or on Facebook  for a chance to win!

This giveaway closes on Monday


Gretchen said...

fab. congrats. yay

traveler said...

Wonderful feature. Wishing you a beautiful holiday and a great health recovery. Thanks for your delightful giveaway.


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