Saturday, August 04, 2007

A Kate Bit - being back

Right, I'm back.

Well, I think I am. I'm sitting at my desk, so I know that my body is in Lincolnshire - my heart is still in Wales, at Caerleon. I just did NOT want to say goodbye. And my head- well, that's all over the place.

But Sid is here, purring beside my keyboard and he slept curled up beside me last night - so I must be home.

I'll try to catch up a bit over the weekend. I got a bit behind with Great Big Blog Party postings while I was in transit between Wales and here, but I'll sort that out. Believe it or not, we have a still got several more party posts to go. And there's a special Caerleon Writer's Holiday Blog Party Post included in that with a couple of books from speakers at the event to give as prizes. So you won't want to miss that. But I need to recharge my camera before I can download the photographs I took,

My apologies to the wonderful Blog Party Guests whose posts got a little messed up while I was using another computer while I was away. I have no idea why the paragraphing disappeared, no matter how many times I tried to edit it into normality. In the end I just gave up. Sorry!

And my huge thanks to all the Blog Party Guests who came in during the week to chat with you and keep the party spirit going. Some I know had computer problems, life difficulties - but there was plenty going on to keep the celebrations on course.

I also have a couple of Great Big Blog Party prizes to give away so I'll get to that next . . .

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