Sunday, March 11, 2007

A day out

Today I'm going out for the day (don't tell my editor that !)

I'm going to visit my lovely friend and fellow Presents author Susan Stephens whose book One Night Baby is out in the shops with mine at the moment. Sue is giving a party to say (sadly) goodbye to Amanda Ashby who is going back to her native New Zealand to live.

Amanda was one of my first 'RNA Virgins' at the RNA Conference in Guildford in 2003 and she's now one of my published ex-virgins with her first book You Had Me At Halo out in August.

There will be other authors there - members of the RNA aand I get to meet brand new Presents Author India Grey. If we're lucky Penny Jordan will be there too.

We're going to eat alittle, drink a little - talk a lot! And knowing how writers can talk - I expect you'll hear the buzz from where you are. It must be something to do with being let out from these dark little garrets where we slave away to write our books for you ;-) !

I'll be back later with a full report and hopefully some photos too.

In the meantime, have a great Sunday!


Amanda Ashby said...

Kate, as always, you are a complete star, and it was so fabulous to see you today!!!! Also, I'd just like to thank you once again for your wonderful gift. It's very special and I don't care what anyone says you'll always be the Virgin Queen to me!!!!!!

Kate Walker said...

Amanda - it was so much my pleasure! I was so sorry to say goodbye to you but it was lovely to see you again before you left. I hope you'll be wonderfully happy in NZ

The Virgin Queen, indeed - what an honour (and maybe that wouldn;t have annoyed some people quite so much ;-) )

Take care - safe journey and I hope all goes so well for you
And I'll look foreward to reading You Had Me at Halo in summer


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