Saturday, December 18, 2010

Advent Calendar Day 18

Three things that coming in combination don't work too well -

1. Revisions - no not the revisions, they're fine. But a global 'search and replace name change - when the character in question has the name Ed. And you're replacing it to Arthur.

Think about it - the computer doesn't distinguish the Ed that is his name and the -ed at the end of or in - say changed, suprised or even edged. And when you're changing the name to Arthur - you get changArthur , surprisArthur and even ArthurgArthur. I am not amused

2. The blazingly bad headache that results from replacing all those Eds/Arthurs inthe wrong place

3. The fact that I have visitors tonight and am going visiting tomorrow so I'll be out all day

So - there will be a giveaway today and tomorrow - but I won 't have a moment to announce the winners until Monday. Tomorrow it will just be the book and the question.

The winner of The Greek Collection is Jayne Heponstall - I think Sid was entranced by the idea of the Mouse House. I know I was but perhaps thinks you meant real mice!

Jayne please send me your postal address and as long as the mail is still running, your book will go in it.

Today's book is Spanish Billionaire, Innocent Wife (2008)

Two years ago, Alannah left Raul without one word of regret. Now chance has thrown them together once more, and the proud Spanish aristocrat will see that Alannah pays for her mistake.
He had wanted Alannah Redfern the first moment he saw her. Her unique combination of purity and passion intrigued, then intoxicated him. And Raul Marcín was a man used to getting everything he wanted.

Now, Raul knows that Alannah is no longer a naive girl. Until their one night of passion proves that she is still an innocent. Raul will do whatever it takes to keep her at his mercy.

And today's question -

We will be visiting the Babe Magnet's family - who always stay in Yorkshire and wait for us to come to them! What about you? Do you stay at home and have people come to visit you for the holidays or are you the ones venturing out to visit other people? Who are you looking forward to seeing at Christmas that you haven't seen for a long time or perhaps are coming from a long way away. Or who do you wish you could see.

I'd love to see my eldest sister but she is miles and miles away in Tasmania so we have to make to with the phone and email -but at least there's that!

Come back tomorrow for anther book and another question but the winners might have to wait till Monday!


Julie M said...

We won't be seeing any family at Christmas as the nearest family members are over 200 miles away.

Before we moved to Scotland twelve years ago we lived in County Durham. Over Christmas we used to visit my family in Derbyshire and my husband's in Lancashire. We'd take all the cats with us - we usually had four or five - and they all took it in their stride. I wouldn't do it with the current feline family. It's six miles to the vet's and they complain all the way there and back. A longer journey would be very stressful for all of us.

Serenity said...

hi Kate, I once decided to change a character's name from Dick to Derek and ended up with 'Derekens' A Christmas Carol', and didn't spot it until after I'd hit send. Ouch.

Morton S Gray said...

Hi Kate,

We always go to my Mum's. We have the shortest journey as it is only down the road. My sister's journey is about 20 minutes. My step-sister comes over from Paris and my step-brother from Hong Kong.

However, since the stone cold Christmas dinner for 17 some years ago, we now all provide a savoury and sweet dish for the buffet table.


Nas said...

Hi Kate, Thank goodness for email and skype. My sister is in Australia and brother being in NZ, parents having passed on. I'd love to see my sister and only brother! But we will stay home and celebrate holidays this year as we went visiting last year!

Laney4 said...

Please remove my name from your draw, as I already have this book.

As for your question, WE are the ones who venture out. Always have been. We visit MY Babe Magnet's brother 20 minutes away, then another brother 10 minutes from there, then my MIL, and sometimes bring her back with us for supper. Not this year, though, as we are taking her to her daughter's home an hour away this Thursday. (YES!!!) My immediate family open our gifts here, visit all those places in the afternoon, and then come back here for turkey that has been cooking while we were out. Works for me! (When my parents were alive, we would have supper with them, plus visit all those other places in the afternoon.)

I too would like to be with my elder sister 2000+ miles away, but no can do financially this year. They were here this past summer, so we were lucky to have that visit, plus she is phoning me on Sunday because we haven't talked since then (other than briefly by email).

Thanks for your update, Kate, and have a nice weekend away from the blogs.

Anonymous said...

Christmas is spent with my close family and then up until this year, a few days after Christmas myself and my hubby usually go to Rome to visit my aunty and my cousin and her family for the New Year.But this year the flights from up my way to Rome are virtually non existent, that is unless you want to pay an arm and a leg for a change over adding hours on to a two and a half hour flight!Hope to go later on As for relatives in this country, we exchange greetings by telephone, for the majority of us live a fair way from each other. But we do try and get together at some other time of the year.

ps I already have your book so please excuse me from today's draw. (Not that I expect to win another). I just enjoy taking part in leaving my comments every day. Thanks Anita B.

Lois said...

Well, over the years, the older members of the family died, others moved away, so it's mostly just the three of us... which does mean we don't have to share the stuffing. ;) But a friend of Mom's since last year is coming to, so it'll probably be four... and he doesn't like stuffing. ;)


Debby said...

We have Christmas at my house. My youngest has allergies and it is hard to go to other houses when they have lots of animals or they smoke. I love have everyone at my house.
debby236 at att dot net

Kaelee said...

Oh my gosh Kate. That sounds like a tremendous job. Everyone has been warned not to have an Ed as a hero unless they intend to keep him.

We are staying home for Christmas as my brother is on call for the four days over Christmas time. We are traveling for about two hours to my sister's for Boxing Day celebrations and then returning home that night ~ weather permitting. Hoping for no snow.

Caroline said...

Christmas day is military precision timed! Of course it depends on whether we are snow bound and can actually get out of the house! But if we can then at 9am it's off to pick up son, then to grandsons's house (halfway across the Island) to give him his presents. By 11 we're back home - take dogs out - then load up the car with turkey, veg et al. off to mum and dads. Quick visit to gran in the OAP home, then I finish off cooking the dinner at mums. Return son home, then at around 8pm we'll get home, whereupon I'll crash out having done a 200 mile trip in all! Boxing day will be spent at home - I *always* have a quiet day on Boxing Day. Have a safe journey to Yorkshire - and have a Merry Christmas. Caroline x

Kirsten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer Faye said...

We have the three days of Christmas. We host Christmas Eve dinner at our house for family and friends who want to drop by. Christmas dinner is spent at aunt's house. Then the following day is the last day of Christmas spent at the inlaws. Then the next day I wake up and try to find room for all of the presents. LOL. I'm going to need a bigger house soon. LOL.

This year my hands down favorite gift is our oldest child who had to move away for work just flew in for the week before Christmas so the whole family is together again. *VBG*

Anonymous said...

We always just stay at home, as it's just us, but as we are a family of ten, there is certainly never a dull moment. Sister in law usually drops round just before Christmas with presents for the kids and we tend to go to a friend's house Boxing day, but that's it.

Maria said...

I'm a Christian married to a Hindu and living in India, far away from my native Ireland. Friends and relatives usually visit us over Christmas. I try to keep some Christmas cake handy and my favourite Christmas dish has become Gajar Ka Halway - grated carrot fried in milk with dried fruits like cashews and raisins. It's lovely.


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