Sunday, August 18, 2013


I have some 40 for 40  winners to announce.

Here goes -

Danica Favorite's  winner is Petite 

Janet Laurence has picked Kaelee

The winner of Michelle Reid's prize is Shirley Buchanan

and I just heard from Trish Morey that she has chosen  Sally  "for her 'love second time around' story"

So will the lucky winners please contact me, putting your address in the email so that I can forward it to  the generous author who has donated your prize.

Contact me  katewalker AT 

There are still  some prizes unclaimed - so if you have answered any of the authors' questions over the past month, do check back over the Winners announcements in case you missed your name.

Still time to chat with Michelle Smart and Victoria Parker  until I hear from them who has won their prize.


Trish Morey said...

Thanks so much, Kate, it was so lovely to have the opportunity to share in your 40th wedding anniversary blog celebrations. Loved the stories that came in as a response of my blog - I love that some people are happily married and have been for many years, some many many years!) and others on their second time around and others still waiting for that flash of knowing - romance is not dead!

Kaelee said...

Hi Kate ~ I've sent off an email. I'm thrilled to be Janet Laurence's winner.

Just wanted to take the time to tell you that I enjoyed all the 40 for 40 posts. Thanks for putting this together. Thanks to all your author friends for all their insightful and delightful posts.

Mary Preston said...

Congratulations everyone!!


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