Monday, July 03, 2006

Bag of Books Contest - an Update

The official closing date for the Bag of Books Contest was June 30th. I gave it an extra 24 hours or so to allow for all time zones for entries - and the contest is now, officially CLOSED.

Now I need to get organised in finding a winner - for this, I need Sid and a set of names and some cat crunchies. The problem is that this contest was so popular I had hundreds of entries.

So the putting names on pieces of paper may take some time. And then adding the crunchie to each name

And I do have this Sicilian whispering in my ear.

But I'll get to it just as soon as I can. In the meantime, Sid is looking forward to the prospect of several hundred crunchies - but he's just had his breakfast, so there's no rush . . .none at all . . . In fact, he's perfectly happy just lying here in the sunlight, dreaming of crunchies

I'll be back when I get myself - and him - organised


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pic of Sid. And in this weather, I'm not surprised you still have a Sicilian in your ear! (Did you see any of the stuff about Francesco's travels, yesterday? Part was about Sicily. DH was channel-hopping and I made him pause for a bit - thought of you.)

Michelle Styles said...

Congrats on having hundreds of entries!! That is a real achievement.

I am sure Sid will enjoy his crunchies!

Danica Favorite said...

Ooooh, what IS that Sicilian whispering? Do tell...


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