Today's special guest is Jane Porter. It's amazing to think that I met Jane when she has just had her very first Harlequin Presents title - The Italian Groom- published. That was back in 2001. But she's come so far since then. I've lost count of the total number of her Presents titles that she's written in the intervening years - and then there are her women's fiction books, starting with The Frog Prince (2005) and coming right up to date with The Good Daughter (Feb 2013).
I first met Jane when she came over to the UK for an AMBA meeting and sharing afternoon tea with her has always been one of the highlights of the times I've been able to get across 'the pond' and attend RWA. A couple of years ago I was able to return the favour and invite Jane to a dinner before the AMBA lunch. That was when I met her very new husband Ty and see the great chemistry between them.
So, seeing as I asked my guest bloggers to write about weddings, anniversaries of meeting their partners, it's not surprising that Jane talked about Ty and her time of 'Flirting with Forty' - which has stopped being flirting and turned into a ten year anniversary.
Welcome Jane -
I'm not a snow bird or a beach girl. I am, to be quite honest, incredibly unathaletic when it comes to skates, skateboards, surfboards, skis and snowboards. Anything requiring balance, edge, coordination, confidence, and speed is pretty much, not in my skill set.
I first met Jane when she came over to the UK for an AMBA meeting and sharing afternoon tea with her has always been one of the highlights of the times I've been able to get across 'the pond' and attend RWA. A couple of years ago I was able to return the favour and invite Jane to a dinner before the AMBA lunch. That was when I met her very new husband Ty and see the great chemistry between them.
So, seeing as I asked my guest bloggers to write about weddings, anniversaries of meeting their partners, it's not surprising that Jane talked about Ty and her time of 'Flirting with Forty' - which has stopped being flirting and turned into a ten year anniversary.
Welcome Jane -
I'm not a snow bird or a beach girl. I am, to be quite honest, incredibly unathaletic when it comes to skates, skateboards, surfboards, skis and snowboards. Anything requiring balance, edge, coordination, confidence, and speed is pretty much, not in my skill set.
We met when I interviewed him for a future
book. The book became Flirting with
Forty, a bestseller, that then was turned into a movie in the US for Lifetime
starring Heather Locklear.
Ty and I dated long distance for eight years—he
in Hawaii and me in Seattle with my children—and we constantly were asked, ‘How
does this end?’
It always puzzled me. How does anything end?
One of the things learning to surf has taught me
is that your surfboard will go the direction you face. If you look down, as
you’re learning to get to your feet, you’ll fall. If you look straight ahead,
point towards the beach, your board will straighten out and head in that
But that’s not just surfing, that’s life. And so
when people ask, ‘where will this go? What’s going to happen?’, I truthfully
answer, I’m going with it as far as it will go.

How? I don’t know. I do know
that like my book Flirting with Forty he
changed my life. He made it magical
again. It was just like Mama Mia, the ABBA song,
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything
Mama Mia, here I go again.
My, my how can I resist you?
I couldn’t resist him that first year. I was crazy about him, absolutely head over heels, and I’m still crazy about him and we’re heading towards ten years.
I couldn’t resist him that first year. I was crazy about him, absolutely head over heels, and I’m still crazy about him and we’re heading towards ten years.
Oh. And
our second wedding anniversary. You see
we got married along the way, did a Vegas wedding with Elvis and it was
incredible. The best wedding ever with
83 guests cheering us on.
Ty’s and my relationship was never the one in my
book. It’s always been more complicated. And harder at times.
But it’s better, too, because it’s real.
I’ll be fifty soon, and it’s awesome to look back and realize, that life
wasn’t over at forty. Life was just beginning.
Just one look…Jane has generously offered to give away, to two lucky winners, a copy of Flirting With Forty and one of her backlist Harlequin Presents novels, along with fun JP goodies. J
To be in with a chance of winning this great giveaway, just
answer this question – Jane says she’s not a snow bird or a beach girl – but perhaps
a nerdy book girl – so her question is:
Would you consider yourself a snowbird, a beach girl or a nerdy book girl?
Leave your answer in the comments section as usual.
I'm neither a snow bird nor a beach girl, as I spend the majority of my time indoors, in my air-conditioned home. The only time I leave here, probably, would be when I do my weekly grocery shopping, play competitive badminton (indoors) up to five nights a week during the school year, and visit friends - all indoors.
Please don't enter me in your draw. I read FLIRTING WITH FORTY and loved it! I enjoyed reading in the first person, as it made me feel more like it was MY life I was reading. The story didn't feel rushed, as it took over a year to play out - more like real life. Another author commented on MY comment on a blog, saying that she'd have to look up this book, so I mailed her my copy of it; I don't think anyone had ever done that for her before, but it seemed right to me and was sincerely appreciated. It opened my eyes a bit wider, and now I mail books to people more often! Feels wonderful!
Hi Jane and hi to Kate too. Thanks Kate for hosting Jane today.
Oh, I'm a nerdy book girl for sure. I read all the time and review too. And Jane, I did the long distance relationship thing for seven years - my husband was in India and I was in Ireland. I'm trying to return to Ireland now after twenty years so my kids can study there and as my husband has just four years to go to retirement, it means we'll have to do the long distance thing for four more years if my plan comes to fruition. And you know what? I feel it will be just the thing to keep our relationship sparking. Well, I hope so. I'm fifty years old this year and I feel that life is only getting more interesting.
I loved your character Meg in THE GOOD WOMAN and I've read some of your Harlequin Presents books too. I really love your writing. Lovely to see you here today.
Somehow I haven't read Flirting With Forty yet, even though I really enjoyed the movie, love Robert Buckley, so glad you had as happy an ending in real life.
I'm definitely nerdy book girl, but with beach girl tendencies, I love the sunshine, it's just my fair skin despises burning so I have to slather on the sunscreen constantly.
nerdy book girl
I enjoyed the post and am definitely a nerdy girl with beach lover thrown in since I love warmth, sea breezes, the ocean and beach as I read there whenever we are on holiday which is rare but cherished. Being olive complexion I am a sun worshipper and miss the beach since I live in the foothills.
I am definitely a nerdy book girl. I love reading and always have a book with me :)
Nerdy Book Girl!!!
definitely nerdy book girl. loved reading about your love story with ty. thank you for sharing. :)
jukyjoauka at aol dot com
i would have to say t am a what you do ...thanks
Such a sweet story. Thanks for sharing Jane! I am definately a nerdy book girl and proud of it. :)
p.s. No need to include me for the contest as I already have Flirting with Forty. :)
i am a indoors kinda girl. have to have a book & my computer nearby. preferably some Snapple peach iced tea.
I'm definitely not a snow bird, I'd love to say I'm a beach girl, I absolutely love the beach! But there's definitely nothing wrong with being a nerdy book girl, so much to learn and so many adventures! The best would be a nerdy book girl on the beach! ;-)
smoofrog at Gmail dot com
Nerdy book girl and beach girl
definitely a nerdy book girl (who occasionally gets to a beach - with a book). Wish I could get away from the snow - tho it can be pretty if you don't have to go out (or shovel it). I flirted with forty a few (cough) years ago, but this could be a good reminder of what it was like.
sallans d at yahoo dot com
I'm the nerdy book girl! I can visit the beach, go to the Alps and anywhere else I choose just by opening a book. To me that's the best of all!
I would like to say I'm a beach girl because that's where I feel the most comfortable. But, the truth is, I am just a book nerd. One who gets all my excitement and entertainment from books. My second marriage was when I was 44, so I know life does continue after 40 (though some things may be harder at times and life gets more serious with all the ups and downs). We are headed for our 4th anniversary this October. I remember reading Flirting With Forty (which is still one of my favorite books) right after I went to Hawaii for my 40th birthday. But, my trip was bought by my ex husband who lives in Honolulu and he wanted me to have a special birthday. I'll never forget that trip. I was already living with the man I married to now (though then he was just my boyfriend) and he was glad me and my ex have a great relationship still. He'll always be my best friend.
I would be a nerdy beach girl.
I would consider myself a snowbird seeing I grewup in Wisconsin but I do love to read!
I guess I would be the nerdy book girl because I definitely don't fit into the other two categories. lol
Nerdy book girl, all the way!
Beach girl and little bit nerdy book girl
I am definitely a nerdy book girl, but I can't help wondering if I had grown up around the beach instead moving there as an adult if I would have been a beach girl as I always did love the water and spent whole Summers in the pool.
Jane and Kate, lovely interview.
First I would say "A nerdy book girl" Then a beach girl. The best would be reading these books on the beach. So love Jane's books and "Thanks" Kate for the interview.
Beach gal ~ Can spend hours at the beach looking at the waves, looking for shells and sipping my pina coladas!
I am a combination of a snowbird, a beach girl or a nerdy book girl; but I relate more of who I am to being a nerdy book girl. I have one with me almost all the time!.
Well, I like to think of myself as a beach girl, lol!! I could live on the beach...we spend a lot of time there in the summer! But I am also a 'nerdy' book girl on the beach! Always have a book with me! :)
To all you fellow nerdy girls *waves hello*.
I've teased 30, flirted with 40 and now I feel fabulous at 50. I have loved every age and dragged my husband along for 30 years of them.
He's retired military, so we absolutely did the long distance thing, but the wonderful thing about that was it passed.
Now he's home all the time... wait a minute... kidding. I love spending time with him.
I wish you much success in your marriage, and if it ain't broke - don't fix it.
sbarrauthor (@)
I'm a little of each, we visited Florida every years for 10 years and became permanent residents 4 years ago, I love the beach but am outside everyday and swim as long as the water is warm, I love to read romance, thrillers and history! Thanks for a chance to win! :)
I got to pick a nerdy book girl.
I worked at a library for 8 years when I was young and just loved it.
My best job to date.
I'm definitely a nerdy book girl at the beach. I'm the one up on the sand reading.
Hi Jane! "Mrs. Perfect" is still one of my favorite books of all time! I want more! Having grown up on Australia's Pacific coast beaches, you'd think I'd be a beach girl, but now I've escaped the heat and relentless sunshine to live in England's Cotswolds and revel in the cooler summers where I can write and be a nerdy book girl (with an occasional trip to Colorado for a doze of snow. What can I say? I'm tri-polar :-)
I have to go with nerdy book girl too. Once I start reading I'm in my own world. The BF gets upset sometimes. HAHA!!!
I'm a beach gal, but that means a cooler, a chair and a book.
a nerdy book girl here; love to read your books and many others.
so fair that can't be in sun.
nerdy book girl but I have a little beach girl inside of me.
Nerdy book girl, can't resist books :)
Nerdy book girl.
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